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Bituminous Clay Type Emulsion for Mine Fires

Bituminous Clay Type Emulsion for Mine Fires

Coalmine fires are very common. The fire continues for years together.

Some fires along Coal seams are natural occurrences. Some coals may self-ignite at temperatures as low as 40 °C (104 °F) for brown coal in the right conditions of moisture and grain size

One well known source of fires is mining breaking into a high pressure cavity of methane gas which on release can generate a spark of static electricity to ignite the gas and start a coal explosion and fire.

Natural rain stops propagation of fire for near surface seam. During summer spraying water can help but to stop propagation of flame specific measures are taken.

Global coal fire emissions are estimated to cause 40 tons of mercury to enter the atmosphere annually, and to represent three percent of the world's annual CO2 emissions.

Bituminous emulsion is modified as a fire protection system for coal mines. The emulsion when sprayed in coal mines, seals the gap between seams to stop ingress of air/oxygen and there by stops propagation of fire. The material is flame proof.

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